Christian Author

Janet Ruth

Wife, mother, writer, and speaker, Janet Ruth is passionate about encouraging Christians to truly live what they say they believe. Her books help Christians internalize their Christian beliefs so they influence their thoughts and actions every day.


  • Are you looking for a Bible study or an event speaker to help Christians grow in their faith?
  • Do you want to be challenged to go deeper in your knowledge of God?
  • Do you know what it means to live out a Christian worldview?​
Author Janet Ruth

Books by Janet Ruth


Finding Your Part in God’s Master Story

An Exploration of Christian Worldviews

(currently not in publication)

Standing Firm

A Bible Study on the Armor of God

Separate for a Reason

Re-Examining Separation of Church and State in America

What people are saying

Janet is always a very organized and informed speaker. Her work is delightful to hear and engaging for the audience. A great presenter!

​- Cathy​


This book was a life changing study guide for me. The author is blessed with a special talent for bringing the Bible’s truth to life in a manner that is both educational and inspirational.

– Billie

Janet’s book is full of great insights. She has a way of cutting through the clutter and getting down to the truths.

​- Dave

My Writing Blog

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We Have to Trust to Obey

I witnessed something upsetting today. A woman came into a hair salon, checked in, and was taken to a seat to have her hair cut. The entire time, she complained loudly about the way the employees had treated her disrespectfully when she came in earlier. I was there...

The Empty Cup

I have often heard people talk about choosing a word at the beginning of January as a guide for the rest of the year. Some Christians also recommend choosing a Bible verse for each year. A year ago, I did both of those things. The verse I chose popped up in an email...

“Operation Mincemeat” delivers a reminder

Guest post by Constance Hastings. Stories of war, spies who risk their lives in service of their country’s security, daring civilians who step up in heroic measures, are the stuff of good tales and great movies. When based in historical fact, the appeal is all the...

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