About Janet Ruth
As a writer and speaker, Janet Ruth is passionate about encouraging Christians to truly live what they say they believe. Her books help Christians internalize their Christian beliefs so they influence their thoughts and actions every day.
Janet is the author of three Christian living books. Standing Firm is a Bible study on the Armor of God. Separate for a Reason examines the issue of separation of Church and State in America. Her third non-fiction book released August 31, 2021, and is titled Finding Your Part in God’s Master Story: An Exploration of Christian Worldviews.
In addition to her Christian Living books, Janet wrote a general-market fantasy/romance/historical fiction novel called Brenin’s Crown, which was her first book.
Janet is a former federal prosecutor and college professor and has held many volunteer positions in the non-profit sector while raising her two children. She lives with her husband in Arizona, the state where she was born.

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