Why I Write About Harry Potter

In my last post, I answered the question I’m sure was on everyone’s mind: Why do I write about secular movies instead of more traditional Christian subjects? In this post, I would like to answer another question that some of my Christian friends may have asked: Why do...

Why I Write About Movies

There are many good Christian blogs you can read. Some are theological. Some teach Bible lessons. Many provide encouragement, comfort, or advice. I write mostly about movies. In fact, I write mostly about secular movies. Why do I do this? As it says on the side of my...

Should You Say Yes to “Marry Me”?

“Marry Me” is a new rom-com, released just in time for Valentine’s Day 2022. If you haven’t seen it, you might be wondering if it’s worth your time. If you’re a Christian, you might be wondering if the movie will reflect your values. Those are both...

What “Ron’s Gone Wrong” Got Right

Ron’s Gone Wrong is a family-friendly animated movie about a “walking, talking personal-connection device” that has some major operating issues. In other words, Ron the robot is broken. But that doesn’t stop his owner from having a great time with him and learning...

A Christian View of the Sacred Timeline

Put the term “sacred timeline” into a Google search and you will find page after page of articles explaining and debating a phenomena from the Marvel Universe of television shows, movies, and comic books. The Sacred Timeline was introduced in the comics over two...